Crank equidistribution and (k,j)-overlined partitions - submitted (with A. Chakravarthy† and S. Shen).
Central L-values of newforms and local polynomials - submitted (with A. Mono, L. Rolen, and I. Wagner).*
Oscillating asymptotics and conjectures of Andrews - submitted (with A. Folsom, L. Rolen, and M. Storzer).*
Jensen polynomials associated with Wright's circle method: Hyperbolicity and Turan inequalities - submitted (with J. Bal†, F. Haraldson†, and I. Thompson).*
Published & in-press articles
A note on hook length equidistribution on arithmetic progressions - Integers, to appear.
Asymptotics for d-fold diamond partitions and related infinite products - Michigan Mathematical Journal, to appear (with K. Bringmann and W. Craig).
A note on the equidistribution of 3-colour partitions - SIGMA Special Issue on Asymptotics and Applications of Special Functions in Memory of Richard Paris, SIGMA 20 (2024), 001.*
Combinatorial results on t-cores and sums of squares - Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 88(2) (2024), Pages 221–243 (with Z. Tripp).*
Asymptotic equidistribution for partition statistics and topological invariants - Journal of Number Theory, Volume 256, March 2024, Pages 373-396 (with G. Cesana and W. Craig).*
Sign changes in statistics for plane partitions - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 530, Issue 1, 1 February 2024, 127719 (with W. Bridges and J. Franke).*
Exact formulae and Turan inequalities for Vafa-Witten invariants of K3 surfaces - Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 66(3), 845-861 (with D. R. Johnston).*
Equidistribution and partition polynomials - The Ramanujan Journal, to appear (with A. Folsom and L. Rolen).*
Bivariate asymptotics for eta-theta quotients with simple poles - The Ramanujan Journal, 62, pages 47–67 (2023) (with G. Cesana).*
Local Maass forms and Eichler-Selberg type relations for negative weight vector-valued mock modular forms - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 322-2 (2023), 381--406 (with A. Mono).*
Asymptotics, Turan inequalities, and the distribution of the BG-rank and 2-quotient core rank of partitions - Annals of Combinatorics 2022 (with A. Baker†).*
The second shifted difference of partitions and applications - Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, (2022) 1 - 13 (with K. Gomez† and L. Rolen).*
Distributions on partitions arising from Hilbert schemes and hook lengths - Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 2022, 10, E49. (with K. Bringmann, W. Craig, and K. Ono).*
Polar harmonic Maaß forms and holomorphic projection - International Journal of Number Theory, vol. 18, (2022) no. 09, pp. 1975 - 2004. (with A. Mono and L. Rolen).*
Higher Siegel theta lifts on Lorentzian lattices, harmonic Maass forms, and Eichler-Selberg type relations - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 301, pages 3555–3569 (2022).* NB: the arxiv version corrects two minor indexing typos in the proof of Theorem 1.2 in the published version.
Higher depth mock theta functions and q-hypergeometric series - Forum Mathematicum, vol. 33, no. 4, 2021, pp. 857-866 (with A. Mono and L. Rolen).
On t-core and self-conjugate (2t−1)-core partitions in arithmetic progressions - Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, Volume 183, October 2021, 105479 (with K. Bringmann and B. Kane).
Cycle integrals of meromorphic modular forms and coefficients of harmonic Maass forms - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 497, Issue 2, 15 May 2021, 124898 (with C. Alfes-Neumann, K. Bringmann, M. Schwagenscheidt).
The asymptotic profile of an eta-theta quotient related to entanglement entropy in string theory - Research in Number Theory, 6, Article number: 15 (2020).
Corrigendum to published version, Research in Number Theory volume 7, Article number: 36 (2021). The arxiv version is updated.
Asymptotic equidistribution and convexity for partition ranks - The Ramanujan Journal, 54, pages 397–413 (2021).
A family of vector-valued quantum modular forms of depth two - International Journal of Number Theory, 2020 16:01, 29-64.
A short note on higher Mordell integrals - Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Volume 34 (2022) no. 2, pp. 563-573.
† Undergraduate coauthor.
*Research conducted for these papers was fully or partially supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.
Modular Forms: Constructions & applications, Ph.D. thesis, University of Cologne (2021).
Automorphic forms and L-functions over the rationals, Masters thesis, Durham University (2016).