Teaching - University of Manitoba

At the University of Manitoba I taught the following:

Teaching Assistant - University of Cologne

In Cologne I taught the following:

Other activities

Aside from the courses listed above, I have also been involved in several other teaching activities.

In the academic year 2022-23 I led a PIMS-wide reading group on modular forms. From this we have an ongoing project involving theta lifts and locally harmonic Maass forms.

I was a project leader for undergraduate and graduate research projects focussing on partitions and their asymptotics in conjunction with modular forms. The goal was to introduce students to these objects and we aimed to produce a short research paper each semester.

This produced two research papers (see publications).



Alongside Andreas Mono, in Spring 2021, I ran a course on integer partitions for local schoolchildren who were participants in KinderUni Koeln (the Children's University of Cologne). The aim was to introduce the children to a world of mathematics that may be beyond what they usually see in school. For this, we obtained a small grant.