Below is a list of previous talks I have given on various topics, with beamer slides where available for the longer versions of the talks. Some recordings are also available on YouTube.
Invited talks:
Local polynomials and (non)-vanishing of central L-values of cusp forms, April 2024, Number Theory seminar, University of Manchester
Conjectures of Andrews on a Nahm-type sum, March 2024, International conference on modular forms and q-series, University of Cologne
Local polynomials and (non)-vanishing of central L-values of cusp forms, January 2024, Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry seminar, University of Nottingham
Oscillating asymptotics of a Nahm-type sum, May 2023, University of Cologne Number Theory Seminar
Central L-values and local polynomials, April 2023, Fields Institute GANITA Seminar
Oscillating asymptotics of Nahm-type sums, April 2023, University of Toronto Number Theory Seminar
Forgotten conjectures of Andrews for Nahm-type sums, March 2023, University of Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
Asymptotics of combinatorial and topological objects via modular forms, November 2022, University of British Columbia Number Theory Seminar
Asymptotics of combinatorial and topological objects via modular forms, November 2022, Brigham Young University Number Theory Seminar
Modular forms and their role in counting combinatorial and topological objects, April 2022, PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar
Cycle integrals, theta lifts, and harmonic Maass forms, February 2021, Vanderbilt University Number Theory Seminar
Self-conjugate 7-core partitions and class numbers, September 2020, Number Theory Lunch Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
Asymptotic equidistribution for partiton ranks, December 2019, SASTRA Ramanujan Conference, SASTRA University, India
Constructing quantum modular forms of higher depth, November 2019, Arithmetic Study Group Seminar, Durham University
Constructing quantum modular forms of higher depth, February 2019, Geometry Seminar, Vanderbilt University
Contributed talks:
Forgotten conjectures of Andrews for Nahm-type sums, February 2023, COmbinatorial Number Theory And Connected Topics - II.
Forgotten conjectures of Andrews for Nahm-type sums, January 2023, Specialty Seminar in Partition Theory, q-Series and Related Topics.
Modular Forms: Why should we care?, November 2022, University of Manitoba Graduate Seminar.
Modular forms in counting combinatorial and topological objects, May 2022, Early Number Theory Researchers Seminar.
Asymptotic (non)-equidistribution of t-hooks, Betti numbers, and more, March 2022, 34th Automorphic Forms Workshop.
Equidistribution for partitions statistics and topological invariants, March 2022, Southern Regional Number Theory Conference
Asymptotic (non)-equidistribution of t-hooks and Betti numbers, December 2021, Combinatorial Number Theory And Connected Topics
Mock modular forms and Eichler-Selberg relations, October 2021, Québec-Maine Number Theory Conference
Cycle integrals of meromorphic modular forms and harmonic Maass forms, December 2020, Palmetto Number Theory Series
Self-conjugate 7-core partitions and class numbers, September 2020, Junior Mathematician Research Archive
Self-conjugate 7-core partitions and class numbers, September 2020, Québec-Maine Number Theory Conference
Self-conjugate 7-core partitions and class numbers, September 2020, Palmetto Number Theory Series
TBA, August 2020, Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie (ELAZ) (postponed)
TBA, July 2020, Building Bridges 5th EU/US Summer School and Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics (postponed)
Traces of cycle integrals and harmonic Maass Forms, May 2020, The Sixth Mini Symposium of the Roman Number Theory Association (cancelled)
Various topics (5 talks), February 2019 - May 2021, Mock Theta Functions Seminar, University of Cologne